Tag Archives: arrest

That truly is a scary question. However, yes, in a nutshell, you may have spent Christmas in jail! If you, however, managed to succeed in that quest and not get arrested, there is another Mission to be Responsible challenge that lies ahead.  If you get arrested this Friday the 29th of December 2023, it is indeed […]

Driving home tonight after a few drinks? Please don’t! Drinking and driving is always a bad idea. Know the legal limits, but more importantly, know your limits. Arrive alive. THE LEGAL LIMIT ACCORDING TO THE ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 93 OF 1996 Breathalyzer: 0.24mg per 1000ml Blood test: 0.05g per 100ml Whilst driving a vehicle OR […]

An arrest often happens when you least expect it. Sometimes, in less serious cases, you are granted Police Bail. This is when you may leave the Police Station’s holding cell, go home and then return for the Court appearance. However, sometimes what is required is a formal bail application in Court. This is when you […]