The Legal Hero Platinum Product

A Personal message from an energetic and passionate Business Consultant, Mr. Mzuvukile Jonas: 

Hi there! I’ve got some incredibly exciting news for you today. Are you ready for it? Well, here it is: Legal Hero’s new legal cost insurance product is an absolute game-changer!

You know, we all encounter legal matters in our daily lives, from getting married to applying for a loan, or even just buying something at the convenience store. Legal rights and obligations are always at play, and a run-in with the law can be a costly experience. Private legal professionals charge a fortune, with some consultations costing as much as R2,500 for less than an hour of talking, no work even being done. But fear not, my friends, because Legal Hero is here to save the day. 

Legal Hero offers affordable legal cover that will provide you with peace of mind in the face of a legal challenge. 

With our new flagship product, the Legal Hero Platinum product, you’ll get access to a wide range of benefits that will blow your mind! This product covers Civil, Family, Labour and Criminal Law matters. 

Annual Cover in CourtR200 000
Bail Money PaidUp to R10 000
Untimely Passing BenefitR20 000
Five Year Claim-free CashbackR1 500
DivorceYes, Opposed and Unopposed
Credit ProfileYes, free drawing of your Credit Report and advice on each listing and how to remove it
NEW: Docket Requisition (Criminal Cases)Three month waiting period, meaning cause of action must fall three months after first premium
NEW: Protection Orders (Domestic Violence Act and Protection from Harassment Act)Three month waiting period, meaning cause of action must fall three months after first premium

To help you compare the Legal Hero Platinum product with other offerings in the market, we prepared a brief comparison with two big players, as per the table below:

BenefitLegal Hero PlatinumPlayer APlayer B
PremiumR289pmOver R300pmOver R300pm
Bail MoneyUp to R10 000Up to R10 000Up to R10 000
Five Year Claim-free CashbackR1 500Not offeredNot offered
Untimely Passing BenefitR20 000R30 000R30 500
DependentsUp to 28 yearsUp to 27 yearsUp to 18 years
Docket RequisitionYesNot offeredYes
Protection OrdersYesYesNot Covered
DivorceContested and uncontestedContested and uncontestedUncontested only
Waiting Period1 month divorce, 3 months ANCs, Dockets, Protection OrdersDependent on type of caseAll cases have a three month waiting period
Annual CoverR200 000 (a Legal Hero Policyholder has to date not reached this threshold)Slightly more than R300 000Slightly more than R300 000
OtherDependents remain covered for 12 months after passing at no premium for advice and out of court negotiation servicesTax benefit, retrenchment benefit 12 months and rescission of judgementRetrenchment Benefit 6 month premium waiver and rescission of judgements

Note that terms and conditions as per the policy wording apply. You may download and read the product’s terms and conditions by clicking HERE

In addition to the summarised table above, let me also explain – in words – some of the jaw-dropping benefits of the Legal Hero Platinum product. 

First off, how about bail money payment of up to R10,000? That’s right, Legal Hero has got your back when it comes to those unexpected legal troubles and expenses. And that’s not all! With in-court litigation cover of R200,000 per annum, we fight for your rights without you worrying about the costs.

But wait, there’s more! Legal Hero understands the importance of protecting your loved ones, which is why we offer a family protection plan. Your registered dependents will remain covered for 12 months after your passing without paying monthly premiums. That’s true peace of mind for your family during difficult times.

And here’s something that sets Legal Hero apart from the rest – our claim-free cashback of R1,500! Yes, you heard it right. Legal Hero is the only legal cost insurance company that offers this amazing benefit. You can actually get rewarded every five years for not making a claim! How cool is that?

And guess what? Legal Hero even includes docket requisition in criminal matters and assistance with protection orders, which most other legal cost insurance products exclude! Plus, we assist with Last Will and Testaments to protect your loved ones and to help you plan for the future.

Remember that Legal Hero’s Platinum product covers you, your spouse, and up to four dependent children under the age of 28. And with 24/7 emergency arrest line, legal advice, contracts, and legal negotiations with third parties to save you time, Legal Hero has got your legal needs covered when it comes to Civil, Family, Labour and Criminal Law matters. 

Underwritten by Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited, Legal Hero has been committed to legal services since 2014. In fact, we’re about to celebrate our 10-year anniversary next year! 

Now, I know what you’re thinking – how does legal insurance work? Well, it’s just like car insurance. You can’t get into an accident today and take out car insurance tomorrow expecting coverage. Similarly, you should have legal insurance in place before your legal problem starts. It’s that simple. However, should your cause of action date occur prior to your commencement date, Legal Hero may refer you to one of our Panel Attorneys at a discounted rate – saving you thousands of rands. 

Keep in mind that Legal Hero has agreements in place with many legal firms all over South Africa. To register your legal file you need to call our office number as per your policy documents, whereafter (should your matter require in-Court assistance as per the policy), we refer the file to an attorney closest to you/ the relevant Court to represent you. That attorney sends the invoice to Legal Hero to pay. 

So, there you have it! Legal Hero’s new legal cost insurance product is an absolute no-brainer. With incredible benefits, affordable prices, and comprehensive coverage, you simply can’t afford to miss out on this opportunity. Please contact me for more information and visit our website for more documents and a list of exclusions. Don’t let the law catch you off guard.

E-mail me Mzuvukile Jonas at I will be waiting :)

Legal Hero Business (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider operating under the license 45560. Underwritten by Guardrisk Insurance Company Ltd with FSP number 75. | T’s and C’s as per the relevant policy wording apply. Please visit for all company documents and a list of exclusions.