How do I Apply for Full or Partial Exemption from Paying School Fees?
By Adv. Nwabisa Matwa
What is Partial Exemption
This is a tool introduced by the Department of Basic Education to make sure that every child, irrespective of their background or financial constraints, has access to quality education.
What do you need in order to apply?
The parent applying on behalf of the child must be employed or must have a source of income. The parent also needs to prove to the School Governing Board (SGB) that the total household income is not enough to pay school fees in full.
How does one apply for Exemption?
It’s very important for a parent to apply for exemption at the beginning of the year, alternatively, as soon as they learn of a change in their finances such as for example loss of income. The parent has to request the forms from the school’s principal. Once completed, these forms are to be submitted to the SGB through the principal. The SGB must advise the parent of the outcome within 7 days after assessing the application.
What happens when the application for Exemption is denied?
If the parent is not happy with the outcome, they can appeal to the Head of Department of that province within 30 days of receiving the outcome.
How long does it take for the Head of Department to finalise the appeal?
It may take up to 14 days to investigate the matter, request documents from the SGB and the parent. An additional 7 days is required for the decision to be made and the outcome to be communicated to the SGB.
DID YOU KNOW – During the appeal process, the SGB cannot take any action against the parent until the appeal is heard.